Histolines needs your help building awesome timelines!

We are building an AI algorithm to help us read raw historical text and turn them into awesome data timelines. To perfect this algorithm, we need to show them thousands of examples. Help us create these examples by tagging all the events that are described in sentences. Here are some examples of tagged sentances.

We built an interface that shows you the sencences our Natural Language Processing(NLP) algorithms find online about people in history. We need your help identifying different parts of the meaning so we can create enough examples so that we can teach AI how to do it.

Tag a new sentences:

`whenYear` <'3000'
AND `whenYear`= ' '
AND `whatEventType`<>'took a picture'
ORDER BY `whenYear` ASC, `whenMonth` ASC , `whenDay` ASC,`eventSig` DESC

Incoming Data

We crawled various websites and created a database of historical sentances that can be turned into timelines. We applied the latest Natural Language Processing techniques to clean up the text filter out most of unecesary words and tagg useful words and dates to create suggestions of tags. Te source of each sentance is displayed above if you need more context to tag.