`whenYear` >='-3000'
AND `whenYear` <='3000'
( `whoCharName` = 'Mount Carmel 1. The great monastery of the Carmelites 2. Where Elias sacrificed 3. The river Kishon 4. The haven of St. John dAcre 5. The town of St. Jon dAcre 6. The river Belus ' or `whoRel` = 'Mount Carmel 1. The great monastery of the Carmelites 2. Where Elias sacrificed 3. The river Kishon 4. The haven of St. John dAcre 5. The town of St. Jon dAcre 6. The river Belus')
ORDER BY `whenYear` ASC, `whenMonth` ASC , `whenDay` ASC,`eventSig` DESC

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